Inside AFP

Bayeux-Calvados War Correspondents Prize – AFP takes part in the “View of 15 Year Olds” project

From the 2nd to the 8th of October, war correspondents – professionals from all over the world who have set themselves the mission of telling their stories from the war – will be honored for the 24th consecutive year with the Bayeux-Calvados Award.
This event will also be the first highlight of the school year for many secondary school students and youth organizations…

Among a collection of photographs carefully chosen by the AFP, young people vote for the picture that, in their opinion, comes closest to representing our world today. This activity takes place at school, or in their youth organization at the beginning of the school year (September). Thanks to an online platform created by Nikon, secondary school students and young people who participate in the activities of youth organizations from all over the world can now vote online, giving this project a true perspective!

For the first time this year, the Bayeux-Calvados War Correspondents Prize, in partnership with the Calvados region and AFP, is holding a session where school students can meet Olivier Morin, the AFP photo editor-in-chief for France.

The students took part in the View of 15 Year Olds project, where school pupils chose the images they thought best represented the world of today.

The photo selection will be revealed at the event, which takes place on Tuesday October 3 from 10h00 in the main auditorium.