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Stéphane Marcovitch appointed sales and marketing director of AFP

Stéphane Marcovitch has been appointed sales and marketing director of AFP. He will take up the position on May 4.

Stéphane Marcovitch’s background covers two areas: law (he is an attorney specialised in business law) and sales and marketing (he has an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Early in his career he held legal positions advising media and internet companies. He was vice president of GESTE (an association of online publishers) and Executive Director of the French Internet Service Providers Association.

In this role he negotiated agreements with the music and film industries for the development of online platforms.

He went on to co-found a consultancy in New York for European and Asian companies, including in the media and audiovisual sectors, seeking to expand into the United States.

In 2012 he joined the Veolia group.  Before joining AFP, he was Vice President in charge of French and international sales for m2ocity, France’s leading operator in the Internet of Things (a joint venture of Veolia and Orange).

About AFP
AFP is a global news agency delivering fast, accurate, in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world from conflicts to politics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology. With 2,326 staff spread across almost every country, AFP covers the world 24 hours a day in six languages. AFP delivers the news in video, text, photos, multimedia and graphics to a wide range of customers including newspapers and magazines, radio and TV channels, web sites and portals, mobile operators, corporate clients as well as public institutions.
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