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AFP to distribute INA video archives

Agence France-Presse is to offer its clients a selection of videos from INA, the world’s leading distributor of TV archives, under a new agreement between the two companies.

As the news unfolds, Ina content will be selected and made available to AFP’s international clients via the VidéoForum platform that markets the videos of AFPTV and its partners. First television appearances of major figures, key events, historic locations, shots illustrating economic or technological upheavals, scenes from everyday life, interviews with celebrities from the world of the arts and entertainment: these are some examples of relevant images that will enable AFP’s international clients to bring additional insight to their coverage.

AFP’s Chairman Emmanuel Hoog said: “This new stage in our partnership will enable AFP to offer its international clients video content enriched with a historical perspective.  With Ina’s expertise in the area of audiovisual archives and the quality of the content on offer, combined with AFP’s international commercial strength, we are confident that this new offering, to be launched in the very near future, will be a success.”

Ina Chairman Mathieu Gallet said: “This new agreement is very much in line with Ina’s strategy of reaching out to all audiences by distributing its content as widely as possible.  For Ina it is an opportunity to reinforce its position in international markets where AFP has a very strong presence; at the same time, our collections complement what AFP has and enable AFP to propose a richer offering to is clients”.

For several years, Ina has been distributing AFP’s news archives via, the world’s largest online digital archive bank, to both media and non-media clients.

Video is one of AFP’s priorities. With more than 90 production centres worldwide creating over 200 videos each day in seven languages (French, English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Arabic and Polish), AFP offers video coverage of the top world news stories as well as features.  In September 2010, it became the first international news agency to go to 16:9 HD format.

About AFP

AFP is a global news agency delivering fast, accurate, in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world from conflicts to politics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology. With 2,260 journalists spread across almost every country, AFP covers the world 24 hours a day in six languages. AFP delivers the news in video, text, photos, multimedia and graphics to a wide range of customers including newspapers and magazines, radio and TV channels, web sites and portals, mobile operators, corporate clients as well as public institutions.

About Ina

Since 1974, Ina’s primary mission has been to collect and preserve the images and the sounds that make up French television and radio memory, to give them meaning and to make them available to the public. As the world’s leading audiovisual centre in terms of digital archives and their commercialisation, Ina is able to share its collections and its knowledge with the widest possible audience. Part of its collection is accessible on, a freely accessible site that is the only one of its kind in the world.  Collections are also made available to use for production, distribution, publishing, research, education and cultural events. Ina is a key player in the marketing of archives both in France and internationally

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