
Eitan Abramovich awarded 2nd Photo Prize, in the ‘Pandemic in Latin America’ category of the POY Latam 2021

On the 10th anniversary of the POY Latam, which recognises excellence in documentary, journalistic and artistic photography in Latin America, AFP photographer Eitan Abramovich was awarded second place in the special category 'The Pandemic in Latin America' for his highly aesthetic and intimate portrait of his family life during the pandemic. 



The jury, made up of Gael Almeida (Mexico), Gisela Volà (Argentina), Karla Gachet (Ecuador), Magdalena Herrera (France/Cuba), Daniel Rodríguez (Portugal) and Mallory Benedict (United States), met virtually to assess the 22,288 images from 1,084 photographers who applied in 14 categories.     

For the first time, due to the sanitary crisis, POY Latam added four special health categories: Pandemic in Latin America, Patients, Caregivers and Mental Health. 


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