
AFP Photographer Angelos Tzortzinis wins UNICEF Photo of the Year Award

On the occasion of the 20th edition of the UNICEF Photo of the Year Awards, AFP photographer Angelos Tzortzinis has received the UNICEF Photo of the Year Award. 

Mr. Tzortzinis won the award for his series on the 2020 Moria Refugee Camp Fire. Having arrived at the camp via a 7:45 AM plane from Athens to Lesbos, he described how “no one knew where to go” as the flames ravaged their dwellings and belongings, and how the tragedy at the largest camp in Europe left him feeling “empty”. He documented the fire along with its aftermath over the course of a week with fellow AFP photographer Louisa Gouliamaki.   

  Born in Athens, Angelos Tzortzinis studied at the Leica Academy of Creative Photography. Since 2007, he has worked as a freelance photographer, covering events worldwide, from the 2010 Haiti Earthquake to the 2018 Attica Fires. His work has been recognised by major awards including the 2018 Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar, and Time Magazine’s Best Wire Photographer Award in 2015.   

  Established in 2000, The UNICEF Photo of the Year is awarded each year by UNICEF Germany for photo series that best depict the personality and living condition of children worldwide in an outstanding manner.