MOOC on Disinformation - Season 2

YouVerify! European project lauches new season of their successful MOOC on disinformation. Applications are now open.

A successful first season

This MOOC has been created in partnership with AFP. It offers free online courses on education to media and information. The programme lasts 6 weeks (10hrs/week) and is available in English, French and Spanish.

Season 1 took place from December 15th 2021 to January 15th 2022 and has had successful results:

  • 1,713 registered participants
  • 1,049 participants were active in course, among whom 49.6% followed all the content modules and 31.6% completed the MOOC, including the project section.
  • The fake news database counted 135 fake news gathered by the participants (with verification and refutation)
  • 211 open badges were delivered

After this success, season 2 has been launched on February 14th 2022 with some new features.

Two training paths

  • Understanding visual disinformation and exploring its challenges.
  • Setting up concrete Media and Information Literacy projects to fight this phenomenon.

Two new Serious Games

  • « Bot Buster »  to learn how to verify information with Invid-WeVerify tool 
  • « Permit to think »  to learn how to train your critical mind  regarding information


You can register now by clicking here.