« My Afghanistan » : AFP launches second edition of photography competition created in honour of Shah Marai

The Marai Photo Award is launching the second edition of "My Afghanistan", a photography competition created in honour of Shah Marai, chief photographer of Agence France-Presse's Kabul bureau killed at the age of 41 in a suicide attack on April 30, 2018.

This theme of the competition is to move away from the tragic images of violence and is open to Afghan photographers living in their country or abroad, who are invited to submit their photo story from January 10th.

Their stories will reflect the reality of their people in Afghanistan or elsewhere and will portray their daily life, culture, environment or social problems. There could be other angles to tell the story of "their Afghanistan."

Throughout his career, Shah Marai captured his country with passion and tenderness, showing the rawest violence as well as moments of beauty.


The first edition of the prize was won by freelance photographer Farshad Usyan (see photo on left), from Mazar-i-Sharif in northern Afghanistan. His series of 15 photos showed his compatriots' daily lives, vividly capturing their desire to live freely and express themselves as they wish

Second prize went to Hoshang Hashimi, a freelancer from Herat in the west of the country and third prize was awarded to Mohammad Anwar Danishyar, a freelancer from Jalalabad in the east of Afghanistan.




The prizes will be awarded again in Paris in May 2020.

The website dedicated to the competition: www.maraiphotoaward.com