AFP introduces a new Instagram account: afpsport

This new account shares the best of AFP’s daily sports photo production and is launched as we have more than 30 AFP photojournalists in South Korea covering the Olympic Games.

Through, AFP highlights the fruits of a long history of excellence in sports coverage, with global scoops, technical innovation – for example, in record fast transmission times – and images that have marked the world and earned a host of international awards.

The account offers top shots from major sporting events, such the Olympics and football’s World Cup, as well as more offbeat images of sport, for example, a solitary surfer or horse-racing on a frozen lake.

It builds on the success of AFP’s general Instagram account (afpphoto), which has 319,000 subscribers, and the afpentertainment stream.  Our @afpfr, @AFP et @AFPphoto, @AFPespanol, @AFPar, @AFPSport, @AFP_Sport feeds have nearly five million followers while the English and French Facebook pages together count more than a million subscribers.

With a network of 500 photographers, AFP distributes more than 3,000 photographs a day for an output of internationally recognised quality. Through the multimedia platform AF