AFP news offered to SriLankan Airlines passengers via the new Thales InFlyt Application

SriLankan Airlines is a Thales InFlyt Experience AVANT customer and the first airline worldwide flying with the application delivering Live News & Weather.  The carrier has 7 A330-300, all featuring the Thales AVANT IFE solution. AFP news feeds are transmitted to the aircraft via satcom during flight to provide rich, timely content. Staying in touch with world events during flight enriches the passenger experience.
AFP content is displayed on the passenger in-seat monitor with on demand access.
SriLankan Airlines, Director/Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Rakhita Jayawardena said, “Our new A330 aircraft is designed every way to suit the needs of the modern-day traveller. With this full featured aircraft, we are aiming to provide a greater customer experience. Last year, SriLankan became the launch customer on A330 for the latest Thales Avant in-flight entertainment system. Today, we are marking another first with Thales, by offering Thales Avant Live News and Weather.”
"We are pleased to have SriLankan Airlines as the launch customer worldwide for our AVANT Live News & Weather application. We look forward to continuing to engage and delight passengers onboard the A330-
300 of SriLankan Airlines." said Dominique Giannoni,  CEO of Thales InFlyt Experience
"AFP's 24/7 international news service, including our award-winning photos, is a must-have for the world traveler who needs to stay informed while on the go" said David Millikin, Executive Director for AFP North America. "We're excited to provide AFP news as part of Thales' AVANT Live News & Weather, and proud to participate in the launch with SriLankan Airlines"