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AFP appoints new Bureau Chiefs, Service heads

AFP has just made the following appointments in key Bureaux and Services around the World

Jean-Louis Doublet, 54, has been appointed as North America economics editor based in Washington, a position he previously held from 2005 to 2007. Currently head of the economics desk in Paris, he worked in Stockholm and Brussels before moving to the United States where he was a correspondent in New York, the White House (2000 to 2005) and economics editor. He was Middle East editor based in Nicosia from 2009 to 2012 when he ran the agency’s coverage of the Arab Spring, and has also been the agency’s international economics coordinator based in Paris.

Antoine Lambroschini has taken over as bureau chief in Tunis, where he has been deputy since 2012. Aged 33, he began his career with AFP in 2005 in Moscow and became correspondent in Almaty responsible for the agency’s Central Asian coverage. He returned to Moscow in 2008 before being appointed to Tunis.

Isabelle Le Page has been appointed as bureau chief in Bucharest. Aged 46, she graduated from Lille journalism school and joined the AFP bureau in Bonn in 1995, worked as economics correspondent in Frankfurt and aviation correspondent in Paris. She returned to Frankfurt in 2005 as economics editor for Germany and is currently deputy bureau chief in Vienna.

Maria Lorente is the new regional editor the Latin American based in Montevideo, where she joined AFP in 2001 on the multimedia desk. She moved to Los Angeles as a correspondent in 2003 then returned three years later to Montevideo as a senior desk editor, and in 2011 moved to the Brussels bureau. She subsequently returned to Montevideo where she was appointed head of the regional desk last year.

Jean-Marc Mojon, 37, is taking over as bureau chief in Baghdad. He joined AFP’s Middle East English desk in 2000 and in 2002 became a correspondent in Jerusalem. Since then he has served as deputy bureau chief both in Cairo, for three years from 2004, and the agency’s East Africa hub in Nairobi. He is currently on the English desk in Paris.

Amer Ouali is returning to his native Algeria as Algiers bureau chief. Aged 52, he began his career at the Algiers bureau in 1991, and joined the agency’s bureau in Rennes, France, ten years later. He subsequently moved to the agency’s headquarters in Paris where he covered France for the international media, then joined the general reporting department where he specialized in the Parisian suburbs. He became deputy head of that service in 2012.

Selim Saheb Ettaba, 42, who has been responsible for the agency’s coverage of the Palestinian territories since 2010, has been appointed as Dakar bureau chief.  He joined AFP as a desk editor in Paris in 1996 and then worked on the Middle East desk in Nicosia. In 2004 he was transferred to the general reporting service in Paris and then became one of the agency’s deputy foreign editors.

René Slama, 55, is taking over as bureau chief in Dubai, the regional centre for its coverage of the Gulf. A graduate from Lille journalism school, he joined AFP on the Africa desk in 1981 and since then has had a distinguished international career including bureau chief in Islamabad, correspondent at the United Nations in New York, Delhi bureau chief (2000-2004), then Bangkok bureau chief (2005-2009). He is currently responsible for coordination between the editorial and marketing departments.

Finally, Michel Viatteau, 64, is returning to Warsaw as bureau chief, a position he held just after the fall of the Berlin Wall (1991–1999). He joined AFP in 1972 and was correspondent in Tehran from 1981 until 1983 when he took over as deputy Rome bureau chief and Vatican correspondent (1983-1988).  He has held several editing positions in Paris, covered the siege of Sarajevo, and more recently was bureau chief in Moscow (2001-2006) and Montreal (2009-2013).

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AFP is a global news agency delivering fast, accurate, in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world from conflicts to politics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology. With 2,260 staff spread across almost every country, AFP covers the world 24 hours a day in six languages. AFP delivers the news in video, text, photos, multimedia and graphics to a wide range of customers including newspapers and magazines, radio and TV channels, web sites and portals, mobile operators, corporate clients as well as public institutions

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