Get access to AFP's verified multimedia content in 6 languages, directly to your platform.
AFP API requests


photos per day




stories per day


videos per day


infographics per day

Explore the diversity and richness of our content library, produced by a network of 1,700 journalists based around the world

Benefit from customised access to AFP's production through your own tools

icone API
Step 1
Register by filling in this form, receive your access by email and connect to AFP API.
icone flèche
icone recherche
Step 2
Customise the API parameters to filter the results according to your needs (type of content, timeframe, keyword, named entity, IPTC category, photographer...) before integrating it into your app or website.
icone flèche
icone filtre
Step 3
Search, download and publish the content on your app or website directly.

Discover our APIs

AFP API has many features that enable you to better explore AFP's production.

icone actualiser


Initiate an API request to retrieve the latest 10 documents (text, photos, videos...) published in one language, in real time.

icone plus

More like this

Retrieve all documents that relate to the content you are looking for.

icone zoom


Display your search in a keyword cloud.

icone recherche


Conduct a tailored search using keywords and metadata.

icone filtre


Get your search results as an ATOM/RSS feed.

icone API


Analyse the content database and extract occurrences linked to particular fields or topics.

Save time, storage and transfer costs


Search and download the documents to your platform

Save time by accessing real-time or archive documents directly from your tools or CMS (WordPress, Drupal, Eidos, Arc XP...). Save storage and transfer costs by downloading and hosting only the content you really need.

aperçu de l'interface CMS
aperçu de l'interface


Your site is updated in real time

Add AFP's ready-to-publish documents to your apps or websites easily. Use the API to automatically update data, customize the design to match your branding, and your site will show the latest published documents in real time.


Datasets for your R&D projects

Develop your Proof of Concept. Train your algorithms by accessing a rich collection of verified and structured information.


Detailed technical documents to assist you

Find all the elements you need for the proper integration and use of our API

  • Online documentation: list of endpoints, description, available methods, parameters, field descriptions, search formats, conditions, filters, etc.
  • Quick start guide
  • Swagger page
  • Availability of AFP technical teams

Start now



Access for 1 month

Online documentation

Internal and non-commercial use


On quotation

Access during the contract period

Online documentation
Technical assistance and support

Publication, republishing rights


We used the API to create a connector that improves how we access and use the content. With AFP API, users can also perform in-depth research and apply various filters because of the large amounts of data retrieved.



For me, as an editor, it's the quickest way to publish content. I can save a lot of time by having everything available on my own interface, instead of having to search and download on another platform, then re-upload, resize, and so on... It saved us a lot of time.


AFP API requires fewer resources to integrate, use and maintain, and that makes all the difference.

Question fréquentes

Quelles sont les langues disponibles ?+-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quia accusamus in soluta consequatur. Tenetur reprehenderit nisi deleniti dicta perspiciatis unde!

Quels formats / flux proposez-vous ?+-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Distinctio porro veniam ipsam?

Comment filtrer par date ?+-

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio reiciendis animi ducimus consectetur asperiores illum rerum expedita totam exercitationem quam, earum eaque laudantium aliquid, dolorum recusandae voluptatum temporibus ad officiis! Dolores beatae eveniet quod veritatis rerum ad voluptatem, animi temporibus?

Puis-je réduire le nombre de résultats ?+-

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente labore expedita esse consequuntur sit architecto?

Thématiques ?+-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus animi facilis numquam? Sint numquam autem odit repellendus at laudantium perferendis, nemo reiciendis, esse beatae maxime.

Type de document ?+-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora, inventore.

Comment effectuer une recherche avancée ?+-

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Odit, quaerat odio minus modi ducimus corrupti reiciendis impedit labore atque, aliquam quas vitae mollitia nesciunt deleniti nostrum excepturi, consequuntur natus sunt.

Start now