Reporting from Antarctica and Alaska, the forests of the Amazon and equatorial Africa, the wildfires in California and Australia and on the trail of waste management in Asia, AFP text, video and photo journalists are on the ground providing live and in-depth coverage. Worldwide, the Agency's editorial teams work around-the-clock to decode the causes and impact of the environmental crisis on our lifestyles, economies and politics. Going beyond the numbers and the science reports, rigorous and often exclusive AFP reports reveal the human dimension of a crisis that has led millions of people to protest, seek solutions and change their lifestyles, and many millions more to suffer its consequences, from conflict to migration. The agency has also devoted increasing resources to fact-checking a domain where disinformation thrives. AFP has an exceptional image archive, fed by AFP countless stories on the future of the planet. We are the first global news agency to have joined the "Covering Climate Now" alliance, which aims to strengthen coverage of the climate crisis in the media.
The future of the planet is the greatest challenge facing humanity. Devastating fires, record temperatures, superstorms and melting icesheets - day after day, extreme weather events amplified by global warming make headlines. Following the warnings of scientists, the world's youth has been at the forefront of raising awareness about the climate emergency, pollution levels, and the environmental degradation threatening humanity and biodiversity.
The climate crisis, an editorial priority for AFP
THE FUTURE of the planet
AFP, on the ground across the globe
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AFP est une agence d’information mondiale fournissant une couverture rapide, vérifiée et complète en vidéo, texte, photo, multimédia et infographie des événements qui font l’actualité internationale. Des guerres et conflits à la politique, à l’économie, au sport, au spectacle jusqu’aux grands développements en matière de santé, de sciences ou de technologie. Ses 2.400 collaborateurs, de 80 nationalités différentes, répartis dans 151 pays, rendent compte en 6 langues de la marche de la planète, 24 heures sur 24.
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Making-of Factuel
An indigenous woman from the Pataxo Ha-ha-hae community cries while looking at the Paraopeba river covered in mud, on the sixth day after the collapse of a dam at an iron-ore mine near the town of Brumadinho. Mauro Pimentel/AFP
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Polar bears feeding at a garbage dump near the village of Belushya Guba, on the remote Russian northern Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Alexander GRIR/AFP
Residents rest on a wooden bridge over a garbage-filled waterway in Manila on January 17, 2018. Noel Celis / AFP
Wodaabe men pull ropes across the pulley of a well near the Sabgari Clan camp in Bermo on June 25, 2019. Marco LONGARI / AFP
Firefighters work to control flames from a backfire during the Maria fire in Santa Paula, California on November 1, 2019. Josh Edelson / AFP
This aerial photo shows the boat of Captain Edward Kean passing an iceberg in Bonavista Bay on June 29, 2019 in Newfoundland, Canada. Johannes Eisele/AFP
A man walks near the Mer de Glace glacier in Chamonix on June 18, 2019. Marco Bertorello / AFP
People enjoy the beach as they look at a forest fire in La Croix-Valmer, near Saint-Tropez, on July 25, 2017. Valery HACHE / AFP
Aerial view of a forest area consumed by a massive fire about 350 kilometres south of Santiago on June 23, 2017. Martin BERNETTI / AFP
People and students hold placards and a banner showing 16-year-old Swedish political activist Greta Thunberg in a protest against global warming in central Rome on March 15, 2019. Andreas SOLARO / AFP
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Breaking news coverage in text, video and photo to follow the daily developments in the climate crisis.
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A rich image database with stockshots and archive images to illustrate all your stories.
AFP is a leading global news agency providing fast, comprehensive and verified coverage of the events shaping our world and of the issues affecting our daily lives. Drawing from an unparalleled news gathering network across 151 countries, AFP also is a world leader in digital verification. With 2,400 staff representing 100 different nationalities, AFP covers the world in six languages, with a unique quality of multimedia storytelling spanning video, text, photos and graphics.
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